Losslesscut instructions
Losslesscut instructions

losslesscut instructions

  • chapters improvments #993 (with chapters only export, add gap chapters between segments).
  • losslesscut instructions

    allow configuring where to store project file #1004.implement function to shift all segments times.try to fix issue where file does not open on macos (Open With LosslessCut).implement increase/descrease volume hotkeys #254.

    losslesscut instructions

    allow using external ffmpeg executable #400.add key binding for fix invalid duration #254.improve concat ffmpeg command logging #954.improve canvas player to hopefully workaround losslesscut keeping file handles #272.make sure to select previous item when deleting from batch list #89 (comment).move sorting from merge dialog to batch files list #1043.remove menu from batch list (less clicks).copy disposition when concat (ffmpeg doesnt automatically).for mp4/mov, use vtag hvc1 instead of the default unsupported hev1 #1032.losslessly convert pcm_bluray to pcm_s24le for non-mpegts output formats - fixes #476, #895.default to mov when pcm audio - fixes #947 #163 #367 convert subtitle mov_text to srt when trying to put it in matroska (and webm to webvtt).


  • auto-convert any subtitle to mov_text when output is mp4 #418.
  • improve format detection in concat/merge dialog and allow selecting any output format #1032.
  • build for linux arm64 (without ffmpeg) #1056.
  • Implement smart cut (experimental) #126 aka.
  • Loop a video / audio clip X times quickly without re-encoding.
  • Great for rotating phone videos that come out the wrong way without actually re-encoding the video.
  • Fix rotation of a video that has the wrong orientation flag set.
  • Change author, title, GPS position, recording time of a video.
  • Change the language of a file's audio/subtitle tracks.
  • Quickly cut a YouTube video by its chapters (or music times from a comment).
  • Quickly cut a file by its MP4/MKV chapters.
  • Export a list of cut times as a CSV EDL and process these in another tool.
  • Import a list of cut times from other tool as a EDL (edit decision list, CSV) and run these cuts with LosslessCut.
  • Quickly change a H264/H265 MKV video to MOV or MP4 for playback on iPhone.
  • Include an external subtitle into a video.
  • Combine audio and video tracks from separate recordings.
  • losslesscut instructions

  • Add music to a video (or replace existing audio track).
  • Extract music track from a video and cut it to your needs.

    Cut out commercials from a recorded TV show (and re-format from TS to MP4).Edit file metadata and per-stream metadata.Import segments from: MP4/MKV chapters, Text file, YouTube, CSV, CUE, XML (DaVinci, Final Cut Pro).View segment details, export/import cut segments as CSV.View FFmpeg last command log so you can modify and re-run recent commands on the command line.Saves per project cut segments to project file.Timeline zoom and frame/keyframe jumping for accurate cutting around keyframes.Change rotation/orientation metadata in videos.Apply a per-file timecode offset (and auto load timecode from file).Take full-resolution snapshots from videos in JPEG/PNG format.Remux into any compatible output format.Batch view for fast multi-file workflow.Losslessly extract all tracks from a file (extract video, audio, subtitle, attachments and other tracks from one file into separate files).add music or subtitle track to a video file) Lossless stream editing: Combine arbitrary tracks from multiple files (ex.Lossless merge/concatenation of arbitrary files (with identical codecs parameters, e.g.Losslessly rearrange the order of video/audio segments.Losslessly cut out parts of video/audio (for cutting away commercials etc.).Lossless cutting of most video and audio formats.Everything is extremely fast because it does an almost direct data copy, fueled by the awesome FFmpeg which does all the grunt work. Or you can add a music or subtitle track to your video without needing to encode. It lets you quickly extract the good parts from your videos and discard many gigabytes of data without doing a slow re-encode and thereby losing quality. The main feature is lossless trimming and cutting of video and audio files, which is great for saving space by rough-cutting your large video files taken from a video camera, GoPro, drone, etc. LosslessCut aims to be the ultimate cross platform FFmpeg GUI for extremely fast and lossless operations on video, audio, subtitle and other related media files.

    Losslesscut instructions