thick gpass thick gpass thick gpass


To request a quote for sight glass or windows made of original SCHOTT RD 50 ® high-quality radiation shielding glass, please select a thickness from the table in the specifications or click on the button below. If you are looking for a radiation shielding glass optimized for mammography applications, please visit our RD 30 ® website. thick gpass

In many cases, we can polish it to a custom thickness too. The glass is available in a wide range of standard thicknesses. RD 50 ® radiation shielding glass's particular composition allows for positron emission tomography (PET) and computer-tomography (CT) applications and their combination. The X-ray absorption of RD 50 ® can meet the requirements of the German Institute for Standardization (DIN Germany), European Standardization, and the International Electrotechnical Commission. RD 50 ® has a higher lead equivalent than RD 30 ® and therefore has a higher radiation shielding effect ( see table). It has a lead oxide content of > 65% by weight, which results in a density of at least 5.05 g/cm2 and thus enables compliance with statutory safety regulations even at comparatively low glass thicknesses. The modified lead-silicate glass allows shielding X-rays and gamma radiation in medical, industrial, and research applications. RD 50 ® is a clear transparent dense flint glass that SCHOTT produces in Germany. RD 50 ® offers increased absorption of radiation Radiation protection doors and windows in medical radiology rooms.Radiation protection in computed tomography (CT).Protective window for positron emission tomography (PET). thick gpass

  • X-ray protection glass for medical applications.
  • More scratch-resistant than acrylic glass.
  • Increased lead equivalent compared to RD 30 ®.

  • thick gpass